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If you can't follow community guidelines on kicktool abuse, then you shouldn't sign up for access as you either won't be accepted or lose access on first sign of misuse.


If you want to contribute towards bug testing or moderation, contact me on steam


Complete the registration contact form below if you want to:

  • Block modded lobbies or modders like Pavel

  • Host Lobbies and kick cheaters (Open NAT required)

  • Reduce host abuse (after proving you are a trustworthy player)

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Complete the Kicktool Registration Form for access


Access requires approval by an admin or trusted member of the anti-cheat community and is based on evidence of good reputation. For long time players their reputation will be more known. If you have zero or low reputation, an admin may ask you to give evidence to prove you are a legit player. You can read more about account activation time on our steam group page


After completing the form - Join our steam group
Enter the chatroom, introduce yourself there, then wait for an admin to contact you through steam

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